23 June, 2012

10 Days Countdown

Can't tell how exciting I was today.

Bank staff called me and informed me to go to bank for signing my contract with daddy, and then I figured out all worries and problems were solved and it is time to enjoy my fly and new life.

I'm kinda worrying about studying materials and dissertation writing, because all of them are another professional fields and I never learned them from college. All my knowledge resources are from working experiences and I'm not really sure whether these are enough for my postgraduate program.

Anyway one thing I am pretty sure is that no fears or hesitation this time. I'll conquer all frustration and get what I deserved after all the sacrifices.

Wish me luck, 10 days countdown.
Just like the film 'Salmon fishing in Yemen', which it too ridiculous to do so. However, why not ?

17 June, 2012

Closer and closer

Thanks to dear luck, I have to say.
我想是運氣移轉到此了,Thank you, my dear luck.

Close, 翅膀就要張開,嘴角就要上揚,我就要蛻變。

04 June, 2012

Way too far.



Finally, 我撥開樹叢、踏著慚愧、目光直視
This is the right way, I told myself.
Way too far, and it's time to fly.