30 September, 2012

Furniture Design - Chair

PROOFF - EarChair

When it comes to furniture design, no doubt that chairs are always my favorite part. Therefore I focused on chairs much more than others in these two exhibitions. I do like classic design such as Finn Juhl (well I spent a rush week finishing his exhibition project but, unfortunately we didn't get this case, tragedy.), but I didn't expect to see any of classic design in London Design Week, in other words, I was looking forward to see some of avant-garde, multi-functional, or  even weirdo design. And I do find some interesting brands here to share so let's start from Gareth Batowski !

24 September, 2012

London Design Week I - Intro

RAY SHELF (Matteo Gerbi, UK)

迎接開學的第一周即是期盼已久的London Design Week,小紅書都來不及拿week已經過了大半,急急的上網訂了兩個場次的票,分別是100% Design和Tent London & Superbrands。前者是早在台灣就聽過,集聚各大廠牌的作品;後者則是衝著今年Fresh Taiwan有一批台灣設計師群聚Tent London,加上Superbrands的網站強調"The UK's strongest brands",著實令人好奇,就決定了造訪目的地。

目前手上已有大批看展完的DM, Brochure,待我分類整理之後再來好好介紹一下我特別喜歡的幾個品牌與展品。

The first exhibition I visited was London Design Week. Unfortunately I did not join the event at the very beginning because my course has started at the same week! Two exhibitions I have visited were 100% Design and Tent London & Superbrands. I have heard the former before which gathered many brands such as furniture and interior design; the later combined with young designers from different countries and included Taiwanese designers as 'Fresh Taiwan' at Tent London, in addition there were famous, wide-ranging and strongest UK's brands in Superbrands. 

For now there are tons of DM and brochures in front of me and, of course I'll introduce each of my favorite pieces after classified. Just wait and see ! :) 

100% Design  ( Earls Court, London)

Tent London & Superbrands 

PROOFF (The Netherlands)

20 September, 2012

Quote I

'拍照的好處,是可以在人生微涼時,用回憶取暖。'  - Ashin
The benefit of photograph is warming yourself by memories 
when life goes down.

I'm not his fans but sometimes being amused by his words. However this sentence deeply touched me, and I almost couldn't say a word not even mock them. 

Yes it is.

It can't be translated into English as well as Chinese. It is more like a poem but not just a sentence, which is what I felt recently when I laughed, cried and screamed for those old pictures.

Thank you, I will never forget this saying.

Traveler's promise.

From Avignon, South France, to Paris, Amsterdam, London, Epsom and finally here in Rochester, Dublin, Wicklow, Ireland. I have tried to capture the most stunning view during my journey. Unfortunately, I did not   that always pick up my camera and capture what I saw, but often smile and just, look. This photograph is the first one in Avignon that I picked up camera as fast as past and shot it.

She should be a model, I think.

I do really love to walk and breathe in a city full of artists and performers.
I met lots of performers here in Avignon, and really enjoyed their shows either on the street or in the theatre.

Finally I got here in Paris. I am not PARISHOLIC but having relative imagination as everyone. 
I was disappointed with this city for sure, although I still had some beautiful photos here.

On the top three 'MOST GO' list of my map is Seattle, Iceland and Ireland.
Therefore I want to Ireland during the holiday before my main course with a friend.  I had no plans and no ideas about this country, not to mention its city or county.
We went to Dublin the capital city, and I really enjoy it. It could count in my favorite cities list for sure.  

Luckily I have a good friend who love hiking and mountain exploring, and then I got the chance to see how magnificent this country is. I love mountains but sea carry more weight. In the day of 14th September 2012, my 24th birthday. I decided to explore the County Wicklow alone and spent some time on the lovely beach. I felt really great in this special day even though I was not happy to get older. When I sat here and watched the sea, what I felt and touched is only peace. 
My dear Ireland, it encouraged me a lot. I will come back here one day. :)

It never ends, my journey.
I'll keep seeking and exploring the world till the end.