24 April, 2013


12 March The final snow of winter

As time goes by, I'm getting old and emptiness getting high.

I would like to do something BIG, at the age of twenty seven.
I would like to do something DIFFERENT, at the age of twenty seven.

That's to say, taking 27 as the gap year before the age of thirty.
Start from now, 600 days count down.

Here is the possibility list:

1. Travelling around the world as a backpacker - 30 days
2. Camino de Santiago de Compostela (Camino Francés) walk trip -- 30 days
3. Volunteer in Iceland, Turkey, Baltic states or so. 3 months to a year
4. Road trip 

What else? 
Let me write them all down from now on.

Crown Wang joins me individually. Yes, individually.

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