27 October, 2012

On my way.

If punk was about getting rid of hippies, then I'm getting rid of grunge. 
- Damon Albarn (Blur)

每個星期四和星期五,我都要走上30分鐘的路到Joiner Shop上課,直至天黑才空著肚子帶上滿腦子知識爬回家。有個說法是,當你把30分鐘分割成10個3分鐘,就不會感覺這麼遠了。但不能戴錶的我時間觀念只來自手機,我也不會隨時隨地計算時間,因此我的分割從時間轉為路上的風景。

自踏出家門後總計會經過的有:可愛的紅色郵筒與對面小丘的房子、擁有Mozart Road的在地社區、The Fox 老式小酒吧 、穿著正統英式制服的中學、第一次造訪被過度熱情店員嚇到的中東商店、忙碌的Chatham車站、地上與地下交錯的鐵軌、High Street、有著可愛名字的Waterfront Bus Station、墓園、砲台、加油站與其十哩內唯一的商店、最後抵達Historic Dockyard。

第一次踏進Historic Dockyard,河港與造船廠,以及無數艘停泊的大船,令我放下手機,心想居然來到人生第三個港口,高雄、淡水、Chatham。轉個彎走向MBA Lab,也就是Joiner Shop,一旁的古建築是福爾摩斯第一集的拍攝場景,也是Charles Dickens 童年成長的地方。踏進Joiner Shop第一眼就開心了,喜歡透明落地窗與結合歷史與當代設計的建築,能在這渡過一年也算是種享受。


一個人漫步的早晨,我用手機拍下被落葉覆蓋的草原,旁邊突然傳來"Hey ! You ! Photography girl !" 我轉頭,一群穿著制服的碼頭工人站在一旁抽菸休息,其中一位走到我身邊拍拍我,對我說 "Don't look this, look there! There is a handsome, young man is waiting for you, you should photograph him !" 我看著那位被指著漲紅的臉的男子,笑著搖頭說 No-- (帶著無奈的笑音和"Are you kidding?"的表情與尾音) 我身邊的這位則拉長尾音說 "No?" 然後對著那位男子說 "Sorry, she said no." 緊接著是一陣哄笑,我則在他們的哄笑中收起手機轉身慢慢走向Lab。

走向Lab的路上想著Damon Albarn的名言,"If punk was about getting rid of hippies, then I'm getting rid of grunge." 如果音樂的演變是為了進化過時的潮流,相較於旅行時帶上的防備面具,放鬆與從容也許是融入生活的開始。



  1. Are you also study in bridge wooden? coz we also from Tw and go to dockyard almost everyday, but haven`t seen someone like you..lol

    1. Hi what a surprise ! I study in UCA which is in the Joiner Shop, its not our campus but my program is mainly taken here. And I never heard bridge wooden before.. lol
      I go to dockyard every Thurs and Fri, and I never saw any TW there neither, except my classmates!

    2. http://www.kent.ac.uk/arts/facilities/medway.html?tab=facilities
      Right, that`s the reason we haven`t met before, coz I belong University of Kent, and''Bridge Wooden''is locate in right hand side of this pic!lol
      So apparently Joiner Shop is belong UCA isn`t it?? We`ve got School of Art department in this historical dockyard, so most of our lab are there!:)
      BTW, I was wondering which course you`re studying?Photography?

    3. Amazing! Your building is just right beside us! lol
      Yes the Joiner Shop is belong to UCA, but only some of students need to come for the lab or studio. Photography...well I hope so but actually I majored in MBA Creative Industries Management. ha :P
      How about you ? I think I've been to Bridge Wooden once in the first day I went to Historic Dockyard, because I got lost. haha

    4. Cool!I`m in Music Tech course, but I also have some friends doing art course as well. I might go to school tomorrow&this Friday. If you got time can just pop in to Bridge wooden have a chat,
      it`s always good to change some idea between art student!:)

    5. Music Tech course sounds nice ! That's good if I'm free tomorrow after class I might go. :) It's really interesting because I always pass behind your building, but it might too late for you because we always finished around 6 or 7 pm.

    6. oooh,6 or 7pm!?coz we might finish the class about 12pm tmr, or you can email me, if there`s chance to make a different one, but our term will finish next Fri.BTW. So let me know when you got time!:)

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